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  • Agi Tiara Pranoto

    Agi Tiara Pranoto

    Seorang Blogger Indonesia yang berdomisili di Yogyakarta. Selain menulis, dia juga sangat hobi bermain game FPS. Cita-citanya adalah mendapatkan passive income sehingga tidak perlu bekerja di kantor, apa daya selama cita-cita itu belum tercapai, dia harus menikmati hari-harinya sebagai mediator kesehatan.

    congratulations, you almost made it out! 

    You started 2018 with a bang: a huge resignation letter was sent to a studio who pays your bill every month and keeping things afloat. A lot of mid afternoon crying on skype and discord talking to your favorite partner since 10 years ago. 

    and exactly 30 days later; you were back! I mean, HELLO! you can't stop wondering if this is how you should've ended your favorite side-job; and then you decided to go back--right on time. Your favorite client is recording and you helped saved 2-3 tracks from overly autotuned. 

    You feel good. and bad. because most of your clients are gone to find new talents to replace you. And one particular track was so much of a mess you decided to not putting it on your resume. It sold though. Way to go!

    Life is crazy. 

    You had your craziest months--travelling out of town with a lot of people-new and old. You made mental notes to stop being so bitchy when you're tired. (i'm sorry guys, i hope y'all forgave me; thanks for sticking by)

    You had your craziest day; trying to convince a client that his work aren't going to fly. Yet they do it anyway. It doesn't fly--at least the way you had expected them. You learned to just... well, let it flow. Even if letting it flow meaning you have to listen to 18 hours of grueling autotunes and plagiarized music. 

    You hit your first 8 digits income with this blog--and were so proud of it. But then your water pumping system broke, and the air conditioner broke (twice!), your car suddenly needs more maintenance than it should be, and you blew those 8 digits REBUILDING your bedroom into a home office (and it still doesn't look like an office tho--stop sleeping there OR playing PUBG there for god sake)

    Then you realized how broke you are when all 5 clients decided to delay their payment at the same time. But God is ever so kind, because He decided you got to win a few contest here and there SO there you go, you're alive and well. He's taking care of you. You need to be REALLY grateful for that.

    After years not going to the temple you decided to go back--for a vacation photos you hoped to sent your folks back home--and meeting new faces, new wisdom. You stopped for a moment, contemplating whether you should burn an incense or hang your wishes in the tree... and you met this man who's teaching you the way of life. The way you have lost years ago.

    You are getting old; a quarter century, yet you were learning to be a child again. To be reborn; to feel rebirth. to love everything analogous; feeling paper and ink stains your hand, spend your sleepless night on your darkroom creating pictures.

    You learned to love yourself; opening yourselves to new idea (minimalism is really cool, but i'm sorry it's not for everyone), opening yourselves to more people (stop thinking that it's a bad idea), and most importantly you learn to text someone else to ask them for hanging out FIRST--it's a step. 

    You met your newest circle of comfort: PUBG and online games every night. You mastered the game in a year--and asked to compete in a professional level (mobile-wise, it's a cool thing to do) which you failed to do since you have those wrist injury. Self note: STOP PLAYING PUBG FOR MORE THAN 4 HOURS AT A TIME--get a life! 

    You stopped drinking and start eating healthier. You started a skincare routine. You speaks in a workshop. You are featured on an online magazine. You talk to a lot of new faces this year, and you feel good about it. If you think 2018 sucks, remember 2017 where you had to fight your chinese zodiac misfortunes, you self-centered asshole.

    Despite of the depression, the anxieties, the sadness, the non-stop nonsenses, you managed to not kill yourself this year. You managed to get up in the morning and wear your pants (we have to celebrate this since you bought yourselves a lot of pants this year--and that's rare). 

    2018, a mixture of happiness, anxieties and regret. One anxious soul after another. One mistake after another. One laughter after another. 

    You made it out. That's always worth celebrating.
    . Senin, 31 Desember 2018 .

    a letter to myself; 2018.

    popular posts

    . Senin, 31 Desember 2018 .

    congratulations, you almost made it out! 

    You started 2018 with a bang: a huge resignation letter was sent to a studio who pays your bill every month and keeping things afloat. A lot of mid afternoon crying on skype and discord talking to your favorite partner since 10 years ago. 

    and exactly 30 days later; you were back! I mean, HELLO! you can't stop wondering if this is how you should've ended your favorite side-job; and then you decided to go back--right on time. Your favorite client is recording and you helped saved 2-3 tracks from overly autotuned. 

    You feel good. and bad. because most of your clients are gone to find new talents to replace you. And one particular track was so much of a mess you decided to not putting it on your resume. It sold though. Way to go!

    Life is crazy. 

    You had your craziest months--travelling out of town with a lot of people-new and old. You made mental notes to stop being so bitchy when you're tired. (i'm sorry guys, i hope y'all forgave me; thanks for sticking by)

    You had your craziest day; trying to convince a client that his work aren't going to fly. Yet they do it anyway. It doesn't fly--at least the way you had expected them. You learned to just... well, let it flow. Even if letting it flow meaning you have to listen to 18 hours of grueling autotunes and plagiarized music. 

    You hit your first 8 digits income with this blog--and were so proud of it. But then your water pumping system broke, and the air conditioner broke (twice!), your car suddenly needs more maintenance than it should be, and you blew those 8 digits REBUILDING your bedroom into a home office (and it still doesn't look like an office tho--stop sleeping there OR playing PUBG there for god sake)

    Then you realized how broke you are when all 5 clients decided to delay their payment at the same time. But God is ever so kind, because He decided you got to win a few contest here and there SO there you go, you're alive and well. He's taking care of you. You need to be REALLY grateful for that.

    After years not going to the temple you decided to go back--for a vacation photos you hoped to sent your folks back home--and meeting new faces, new wisdom. You stopped for a moment, contemplating whether you should burn an incense or hang your wishes in the tree... and you met this man who's teaching you the way of life. The way you have lost years ago.

    You are getting old; a quarter century, yet you were learning to be a child again. To be reborn; to feel rebirth. to love everything analogous; feeling paper and ink stains your hand, spend your sleepless night on your darkroom creating pictures.

    You learned to love yourself; opening yourselves to new idea (minimalism is really cool, but i'm sorry it's not for everyone), opening yourselves to more people (stop thinking that it's a bad idea), and most importantly you learn to text someone else to ask them for hanging out FIRST--it's a step. 

    You met your newest circle of comfort: PUBG and online games every night. You mastered the game in a year--and asked to compete in a professional level (mobile-wise, it's a cool thing to do) which you failed to do since you have those wrist injury. Self note: STOP PLAYING PUBG FOR MORE THAN 4 HOURS AT A TIME--get a life! 

    You stopped drinking and start eating healthier. You started a skincare routine. You speaks in a workshop. You are featured on an online magazine. You talk to a lot of new faces this year, and you feel good about it. If you think 2018 sucks, remember 2017 where you had to fight your chinese zodiac misfortunes, you self-centered asshole.

    Despite of the depression, the anxieties, the sadness, the non-stop nonsenses, you managed to not kill yourself this year. You managed to get up in the morning and wear your pants (we have to celebrate this since you bought yourselves a lot of pants this year--and that's rare). 

    2018, a mixture of happiness, anxieties and regret. One anxious soul after another. One mistake after another. One laughter after another. 

    You made it out. That's always worth celebrating.
    . Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018 .

    Hai kalian semua! Saya nggak tahu apakah kalian kangen atau nggak sama post Photo Journal saya, tapi saya pede aja kalo kalian kangen #JumawaTingkatDewa 

    Jadi kalau biasanya saya berpergian lumayan jauh, kali ini saya mau berbagi soal hotel yang sebenarnya lumayan dekat dengan rumah saya tapi tetep menjadi salah satu tujuan menginap (dan makan-makan favorit) yaitu Grand Quality Hotel Yogyakarta atau yang biasa disebut sebagai GQ Hotel Jogja

    To be honest, i have been here multiple times, karena memang hotelnya sudah cukup lama berdiri--tapi setiap saya pergi ke GQ Hotel, selalu ada hal-hal baru yang saya jumpai, entah dekorasi, entah mas dan mba front office yang semakin good looking, dan masih banyak lagi.

    Belakangan, saya dengar GQ Hotel baru saja merenovasi kamar-kamar mereka dengan design yang lebih modern untuk memberikan kesan yang lebih homey kepada tamu-tamunya. Jadi seperti biasa, saya merasa harus 'mencicipi' keindahan kamar baru dari GQ Hotel ini.

    Sejujurnya, ada satu hal yang saya sukai dari hotel-hotel yang sudah established selama bertahun-tahun di Jogja, yaitu ketersediaan lahan. Saya suka lobby hotel yang grande dan cantik seperti lobby GQ Hotel. Meskipun seluruh furniturenya sudah lebih baru tapi tidak meninggalkan kesan luxurious seperti GQ Hotel yang saya kenal nyaris lima belas tahun yang lalu. 

    Memang apabila sebuah hotel sudah didesign dengan baik maka dalam tempo waktu puluhan tahun pun, kecantikan dari arsitekturnya akan terus terpancar. Sebagai #PengamatFengshuiLokal saya mengamati betul bahwa GQ Hotel ini memang didesign dengan prinsip-prinsip fengshui sehingga rasanya sangat nyaman sekali berjalan di lorong-lorong hotel ini.

    Lho, apa hubungannya dengan Feng Shui? Jadi begini bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu, sejatinya saya berpendapat bahwa feng shui bukan mistis melainkan ilmu harmonisasi design. Menurut fengshui segala hal yang ada disekeliling kita harus memiliki purpose. Ruangan yang diatur tata letaknya dengan fengshui akan memberikan kesan yang nyaman, terang, dengan aliran udara yang lancar.

    Jadi nggak ada hubungannya dengan mistis-mistis ya pakbapak buibu, catet!


    Berhubung kalian banyak yang request untuk melihat kemewahan duniawi kamar hotel yang tidak deluxe saja seperti foto-foto staycation duckofyork pada umumnya maka kali ini saya akan berbagi sedikit mengenai Suite di GQ Hotel. BTW GQ Hotel punya 8 jenis suite yang berbeda-beda, dan yang paling luxurious adalah Presidential Suite!

    Presidential Suite ini terletak di lantai 8 dan dilengkapi dengan dapur, walk in closet, meeting room dan jacuzzi. Nuansa dari presidential suite ini memang bergaya rennaisance dengan ornamen-ornamen ukir kayu yang sangat luxurious. 

    Presidential Suite ini memang dirancang untuk teman-teman yang membutuhkan private room yang nyaman dengan fitur yang lengkap. Kamar mandinya dilengkapi dengan bidet dan jacuzzi, juga ada walk-in closet yang cukup spacious untuk menyimpan baju-baju dan gaun malam kamu tanpa takut lecek. 

    Service yang ditawarkan untuk presidential suite ini sangat personalized, jadi kamu bisa langsung menghubungi GQ Hotel untuk mengetahui ketersediaan Presidential Suite ini serta service apa saja yang bisa ditawarkan oleh GQ Hotel untuk membuat pengalaman menginapmu menjadi lebih waw!

    Now... Back To My Room!

    Kamar yang saya tempati adalah kamar deluxe dan kebetulan sekali merupakan kamar yang baru direnovasi sehingga vibes nya meskipun tetap classic tapi furniturenya baru dan kesan yang diberikan juga baru!

    Satu hal yang saya sangat sukai dari GQ Hotel Jogja; kamarnya lega sekali. Sejujurnya terkadang saya suka merasa sangat claustrophobic karena harus berpindah dari satu hotel ke hotel lainnya, tapi GQ Hotel Jogja terasa seperti dirumah--penataannya cantik tapi tidak overly decorated sehingga membuat kita merasa sesak. 

    Oh ya, satu lagi yang membuat saya jatuh cinta dengan kamar-kamar GQ Hotel; kamar mandinya masih menggunakan bath tub, sehingga saya bisa berendam air hangat kapanpun dan dimanapun! Sejujurnya aja nih ya, sekarang semakin sedikit hotel yang menyediakan bath tub; padahal bath tub ini sarana relaksasi paling menyenangkan tiap saya pergi menginap di hotel.

    ((dan itulah kenapa saya selalu memilih hotel dengan kamar yang ada bath tub nya kalo pergi-pergi gaes))

    The Classic Hotel For My Classic Personality

    Saya memang orangnya classic banget. Saya suka film hong kong tahun 80-90an, saya suka furnitur dengan nuansa kayu dan granit, saya suka nuansa warm dan kamera analog, dan saya suka musik jazz! 

    Dan semua ini bisa saya dapatkan di GQ Hotel Jogja ((sfx: cling cling!))

    GQ Hotel ini punya 4 (ya bener, seriusan empat) dining area dengan konsep yang berbeda-beda. Ada Nagoya Japanese Restaurant, Serayu Chinese Restaurant, Coffee Shop & D'Lounge. Untuk D'Lounge, setiap malam sabtu dan malam minggu ada live music Jazz dari d'Expression Band yang pernah juga saya tulis disini.

    Nagoya Japanese Restaurant ini punya teppanyaki dan livecooking yang super endeus. Vibesnya bener-bener seperti restoran teppanyaki jepang lengkap dengan view kolam renang. Kalau kalian suka teppanyaki, kalian boleh banget nyobain nonton live cooking teppanyaki dari chefnya! 

    Nggak terlalu suka teppanyaki? Tenang, Nagoya Japanese Restaurant juga menyediakan sushi, sukiyaki dan berbagai masakan jepang lainnya, jadi nggak ada alesan "nggak ada makanan yang aku suka kakakkkkk" karena kalo kamu ngga suka masakan jepang, masih ada 3 tempat makan lainnya!!!

    ((lha malah ngegas))

    Now, on to Serayu Chinese Restaurant, which is my favorite spot in this hotel.

    Kenapa kok bisa bilang kalo ini spot favorit?? karena sudah 8 tahun lamanya saya menjadi pelanggan dimsum di Restoran Serayu ini. Dimsumnya enak dan dulu ada diskon 50% kalau kalian membawa kartu tanda mahasiswa. By far, ini salah satu dimsum terenak sejogja sih.

    BTW sekarang juga masih ada tuh diskon 50% dengan follow dan post dimsum kalian di instagram. Sok, dikepo aja instagramnya GQ Hotel Jogja!

    Selain karena ini tempat makan dimsum favorit saya, Serayu Chinese Restaurant ini designnya SANGAT AMAT mengingatkan saya pada masa kecil saya di Hong Kong dengan restoran-restoranya yang shabby tapi gemerlap. Cantik tapi bersahaja. Lengkap dengan meja bundar yang membuat semua orang terasa begitu dekat.

    Eh bukan cuma orangnya, tapi makanan juga dekat karena monmaap tinggal diputer aja tuh bunderan kaca yang ditengah, makanannya sampe didepan muka.

    Serayu Chinese Restaurant ini juga punya beberapa private room yang bisa kalian pakai untuk meeting, makan siang, sampai 敬茶. 

    gak cuma Serayu yang interiornya didominasi gaya oriental; coffee shop di GQ Hotel Juga bernuansa oriental lengkap dengan kursi dan design interior yang dipenuhi ornamen-ornamen bergaya klasik china. 

    Menurut saya, kalau kalian ingin suasana baru untuk hangout, semua spot dining di GQ Hotel bisa banget dicoba. Kalo Nagoya dan Serayu tutup jam 10 malam sedangkan Coffee Shopnya buka 24 jam. Cocok kalau kalian butuh suasana baru yang tenang buat hangout, ngobrol sampai mengerjakan tugas.

    Kalau kalian tertarik untuk berkunjung, menginap atau sekadar mencicipi masakan-masakan lezat di GQ Hotel Jogja, kalian bisa banget kunjungi GQ Hotel atau klik link dibawah ini untuk info lebih lanjut <3

    GQ (Grand Quality) Hotel Yogyakarta

    Jl Laksda Adisucipto No.48, Nayan, Maguwoharjo, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55282

    website | facebook | instagram

    . Rabu, 12 Desember 2018 .

    Dari tahun 2010 sampai sekarang, saya masih setia dengan gerobak putih saya yang mulai butut. Ini mobil pertama yang saya beli dengan kerja keras dan pengorbanan dan disumbang Orang Tua biar nggak perlu nyicil sehingga untuk menjual si putih saya masih agak pikir-pikir.

    . Minggu, 09 Desember 2018 .

    Waktu saya menulis postingan ini, saya sedang berada di sebuah hotel di Kota Jepara--sangat jauh dari rumah, tapi tidak membuat saya jauh dari beberapa kenangan soal rumah.

    Kenangan-kenangan itu yang mau saya bagikan dalam postingan ini. 

    . Jumat, 07 Desember 2018 .

    So many people said, i was blessed with beautiful wavy hair. 

    Kalian semua ngga tau deritanya bangun dan rambutmu nyangkut-nyangkut kaya kabel headphone yang gak tangle-free. *nangis in the corner*